Why have a manager/agent? A successful gallery owner/agent/artists perspective. Sian Lindemann
Sian Lindemann has been very successful in this field for the past 30 years. For this reason, when she took the time to construct the response below to my blog post entitled "Why have a manager/agent", I felt it important to make that response…

#Draw365, my state of mind and automatic drawing
I have been participating in the #Draw365 project for about a week now...Today, one of my twitter friends ( I know him in real life too Paul Aaaron) sent me a message saying"lookin fwd to a blog on your mindset; those sketches u…

“Racism:No laughing matter”. Response
"Racism:No laughing matter" is a blog post written by comedian Kate Smurthwaite . The title grabbed my attention, the post did not. I am sure she is far funnier as a comedian than she is capable and competent in her appraisal of this complex…

Draw 365
OK, so one of my artist friends on twitter(the very talented Jason Barre feel free to follow for interesting tweets and a cool blog) has somehow convinced me to join in with #draw 365...#Draw365 is a tag that makes it easy to find on twitter…

IT…My friend, my foe, my muse.
Art and randomness right...I say in my own words at the top of this blog that art is about life. My art is supposed to reflect my life. This blog is supposed to reflect my art, which reflects my life. Yet, I always struggle with revealing my…

School of Saatchi
Did anyone watch episode 1 of the School of Saatchi on BBC2 last night?I read an article about it in Art Review magazine a few months ago that did not exactly entice me to watch, however, watch I did. I actually rather enjoyed it, but then,…

Gimmick or style?
I was inspired to write this by the Style vs Gimmick post on the Art Biz blog... It is a very interesting question that provoked lots of interesting responses. So here is my contribution, let me know what you think...From the point of view of…

The case of John T. Unger and the unscrupulous commercial imitator
I felt moved to attempt to do something to help the cause of John T. Unger, for him and for the sake of all artists.Imagine you spend 20 years of your life learning and perfecting your craft only to have some rich wannabe commercial imitator…

Why have a manager? A managers perspective…
This was a comment posted on my blog post "Why have a manager/agent?" by my very own manager! I felt it was so challenging that I simply had to post it as a blog post in its own right for you all to see. Get involved in the debate, comment below!Best,Adelaide …

Why have a manager/agent?
For some reason, I keep bumping into this question today. For example, on the Art Biz blog, the following questions were asked of the art readership:Is there such a thing as a fine art representative or agent (not gallerist) that can do…