What are your experiences of selling art prints? To print or not to print

I recently had an online conversation in one of my social networks about fine art prints. I put a request to the network for help with promoting my prints. I want to reach a wider audience than my 5000 or so opt in subscribers... the response…

How to get lots of traffic to your blog/website and make lots of money online selling art prints

Made you look!Gosh, the internet is an amazing, overwhelming and inspiring place to be. Not to mention addictive. I am supposed to be spending most of my time creating art, but instead, today I am becoming a slave to the internet in an attempt…

Christmas special offer to you from me :)

My website is now finally completed in the foundation format! You can now buy from any one of my major collections, which in total now comprise of 49 prints!If you have been following my progress since the early days (2006), you will remember…

Why do you write a blog?

This is rather embarrassing, I have not posted anything in this blog in over a year, and as you can see, I have deleted all previous posts.Why, I hear you ask... I am not sure, I found them to be boring and they were just copies of my regular…