The case of John T. Unger and the unscrupulous commercial imitator

I felt moved to attempt to do something to help the cause of John T. Unger, for him and for the sake of all artists.

Imagine you spend 20 years of your life learning and perfecting your craft only to have some rich wannabe commercial imitator bastard attempt to rip off your lifetime of work and sell it on the cheap.. That is what has happened to John T. Unger.

Read the full story here

  • Pledge your support by buying his work
  • Pledge your support by buying Hazel Dooneys Yes/No stencils which she has donated for the cause
  • Pledge your support by sending the story out on all your social networks
  • Pledge your support by donating your art for sale

Whatever you do, SUPPORT for the sake of artists all around the world.

Best to you
