I am calling this USB 2 simply because my brain is in shut down mode and is refusing to come with a more imaginative title.

It is a work in progress. I will add more to the drawing itself at a later date. I am still going with this idea of humans and technology. The lady could be lying on a phone or a tablet. It does not really matter, the point is still the same. We have become so plugged in that we no longer even realise it. I used the metaphor of brain shut down at the start of this little description unintentionally. Maybe it was a subconscious thing. In any case, I am keen to continue exploring this idea further. The organic umbilical cord as the USB, permanently connecting us to our devices and to each other?

One could see it as a metaphor for being in the womb. We are at an unknown stage of foetal development from a technological stand point. Who knows where we will be in another 10 years. Actual human hybrids? A virtual world. What technological advances will we be taking for granted in 20 years time?