Sweet Bird Lady

Sweet Bird Lady


I saw this lady on the way home from the Young God’s opening night this evening. She had the sweetest little face. She reminded me of a little frightened bird. She was so tired, she kept drifting off and her head kept falling down towards her chest. It was funny, but sweet. Catching her in one position was far from easy because of this, but I persevered because I liked watching her. She had the most delicate of features and thin, wispy hair. She also looked a little sad.


I always wonder what people are thinking and feeling when I watch them and draw them. Sometimes, despite the fact that I am not able to read minds, I feel an empathy for them that makes me want to talk to them and comfort them. Sometimes, I wish I could step into their lives if only for a moment to catch a glimpse of what is really going on. It is the same feeling I get when I walk past people talking and I catch the tail end of a sentence. I always find myself wandering, what were they talking about and find myself making up little stories about them. Human beings are the most wonderfully interesting creatures.