Art Success: Adelaide Damoah in Conversation with Edward Ofosu
I have known Edward Ofosu for a few years now. I was even privileged enough to exhibit with him once in a group show. I can go as far as to boast that he bought one of my paintings once. Ofosu, born in 1973 told me that he knew from as early…

Art Success: Adelaide Damoah in Conversation with Shiri Achu
Beauty, confidence, exuberance, intelligence and tenacity. These are just a few adjectives I would use to describe this talented artist. Born in the Cameroon, West Africa, Achu came to the Uk at the age of nine. An inquisitive and creative child,…

Dear Daddy
Peanut. NCDV series 2009. Oil on canvas. 6 ft by 4ft. The poem below is written on the painting.Dear Daddy, I love my mummy, she protects me in her tummyMakes me feel warm and safeMy mummy talks and sings to meFeeds me to make sure I am no waifMy…

My Favourite Women in Art
Awe Inspiring Female ArtistsWe live in a patriarchal society, that is a fact. That the art world is a man's world is also a fact. However, since the 60's, corresponding with the so called second rise of the feminist movement, the Feminist art…

Love in Art. A personal Perspective.
Love is... Love, such a simple word, yet a word which has so many different connotations for different people. A word that has fascinated humans for a millennia and inspired so much beautiful art all over the world. Love, passion, desire, lust,…

How to Make £1Billion!
Never before in my life time have I heard more fuss and talk about money, the economy, banking systems and banking products. Never. Not even in 2008, when the shit really hit the fan with the global financial crisis. It is endless. As usual,…

The Perpetual Return of IT
IT, you are not my friend or my muse right now. IT, you have turned into an insatiable beast, biting at my insides with increasingly sharpened teeth.IT you have decided to hang around daily instead of the usual 10 days a month.IT, I am…

Top Arts Events and Artists to Look Out For in 2012
With new artists emerging on a consistent basis and shows opening practically every week, the sheer volume of all of this information can sometimes feel a tad overwhelming. Here are just a few of my personal favourite artists to look out for…

50 Years of Black Art in the African Diaspora. A Brief Overview
“The art history of the black diaspora is still an ‘undiscovered’ country,” Kobena Mercer 2009.Curator, writer and critic Eddie Chambers once described black art as, “Art produced by black people, largely and specially for…

Lillian Ogbogoh interviewed me
This evening, I was interviewed by Lillian Ogbogoh. It was a nice, friendly interview. It was strange making the transition back to being the person being interviewed.
If you have an hour to spare and are interested in an hearing what I have…