Entries by Studio Damoah

Till the End of Time

I came across this beautiful touching song and music video a few days ago. It affected me so much that it brought tears to my eyes and gave me goose pimples. It made me feel things and remember that feeling of feeling so close to someone that you could just melt inside them forever and […]


 Let me introduce you to my little water colour entitled ” Nothing.” It signifies the materialisation of ideas and dreams. As she visualises her dreams, the dreams start to take shape and form… Something can come out of nothing. Look out for it on ebay next week. Nothing. 10×7 inches

Being Social

Any one who knows me will know that I am a hermit by nature and have become more and more isolated over time. I am quite happy to stay here working for weeks on end without seeing another human being apart from the Tesco delivery man. Working from home affords me that luxury (or curse, […]

Connecting and Automatism

I started a drawing last night, an automatic drawing as explained here and here… I started working on this tiny drawing while thinking and feeling things about relationships. Male/female relationships. Sexual, and soul connections. I just let my hand and my mind dance around on the paper, kind of in a moving meditation while still […]

Video Blog

I have decided to do a video blog series and I am calling it Egocentric Masturbation, Art and Randomness. LOL! Thanks Lionel… The purpose is to document my artistic journey and sell some work online along the way. I took my Supermodel’s video blog down previously due to my stupid embarrassment and self consciousness. I […]

Egocentric Masturbation

I had an unexpected and touching response to my foul mouthed outpouring of painfully honest truth the other day. Unexpected in that it came from someone who I have met only a few times but who barely knows me. Unexpected in that the email made me cry and laugh at the same time. I cried […]

To Be Honest…

To be honest with you, I am struggling with the idea of chronicling my struggles as an artist and my personal life. To be honest with you, I am worried that the impact such honesty will have on me personally and my career. To be honest with you I am terrified of giving so much […]