#Draw365, my state of mind and automatic drawing

I have been participating in the #Draw365 project for about a week now…
Today, one of my twitter friends ( I know him in real life too Paul Aaaron) sent me a message saying
“lookin fwd to a blog on your mindset; those sketches u posted 🙂 …”
Ever since I can remember, I have absent mindedly sketched some really strange interpretations of human experiences, bodies, emotions etc, unconsciously using symbolism to interpret my reality. It was never my intention to do so. I did not realise what I was doing until I entered university and my peers were activley interpreting my drawings and coming up with answers which correlated to my own real life experiences. Kind of like dream interpretation.
I did not realise that what I was practising had a history, and even a term defining it until I officially became a “praticing artist” (I studied Biology at university, not art) in 2005/6. It is called automatic drawing…
So from a young age, I was innocently practising a surrealist technique! When I draw straight after a period of intense meditation, the results have been even more strange. A window into my sub- concious…
Considering the fact that Automatic drawing was pioneered by André Masson and that artists who practised automatic drawing include Joan Miró, Salvador Dalí, Jean Arp and André Breton, it looks like I am in good company! The technique has also been applied to painting, many of Miros works started out as automatic drawings.
I would say that some of my #draw365 sketches could be seen as “illusionistic”. Although I could honestly say that there is absence of concious thought for the most part, when I start to see some recognisable form begin to suggest itself, concious thought comes into play and I create something that looks like some thing or some one… As for my state of mind whilst producing certain pieces so far for the #draw365 project, sorry Paul, I am not telling! Have a look at the work, try and decipher the images and text for yourself. If you know me, I am sure you will work it out...
Until reading this fantastic blog, I had not heard of the art of automatic drawing. From the title, it makes me think of drawing spontaneously, the thoughts or images which pass through an artist’s mind.
More significantly, perhaps, authomatic drawing is used as a medium for expressing the subconscious thoughts of an artist.
Already, Adelaide has shared some fine drawings wih us, which are representative of what automatic drawing means. Clearly, this talented individual has much to express and share, with the artistic community – and beyond!
Very interesting. I’ve always been a doodler. I wonder if some of these were automatic drawings.